UA-119284974-2 Royalty Free Music - Darren Curtis Music
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 Upcoming Free Tracks 

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Touch the Sky - Darren Curtis
The Desert Goddess - Darren Curtis
Forging Ahead - Darren Curtis

These tracks have been released Early Access to Tier 3 and above Patrons. They will be publicly available for download soon!

 Newest Releases 

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Some Clowns Wanna Burn the World - Darren Curtis
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Rip it Up - Darren Curtis
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Lunch is Soived - Darren Curtis

 The "About" Stuffs 

My name is Darren and this site is all about the free-to-use music I make for your projects. Whether you're a hobbyist, filmmaker, game developer, advertiser, RPG game master, Youtuber, or if you just want a neat ringtone for your phone, feel free to browse my ever-growing collection of free music.


All I require is to be credited somewhere as "Darren Curtis" for the music. If you do happen to use any of my pieces, feel free to drop me a line and let me know. I love checking out new projects when I have the time!


I have no formal training in music and am mostly self-taught as a composer and producer. I've learned a lot from generous people making Youtube videos about music theory, audio engineering, etc. A lot of what I know has come from me writing a lot of bad music and making mistakes.


My journey through music has been very interesting thus far, and I'm glad you've stopped by here to take part in it! I hope you stay awhile and find some useful resources on this site!​


Have an awesome day!

Subscribe to the newsletter to be notified when new tracks are made available!

This site is 100% Ad Free. Please consider donating to support the upkeep of this site and my efforts to produce more free music. I appreciate your generosity! Thank you!

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